Top Ten Easter Egg Allternatives

Easter is coming up in two weeks and to most that means chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. From eggs to bunnies we love it all but if you have seen the prices of the Easter eggs in the supermarkets now you are probably thinking the same as me: “that’s a little bit much for a hollow bit of chocolate isn’t it?”. So, if you’re put off by the obscene price or maybe you can’t or don’t eat chocolate I have put together a list of better than your average Easter egg ideas:

1. Homemade Easter Egg Bath Bombs

Kids love bath bombs because they fizz and they’re colourful, adults love them because they’re relaxing and they’re fizzy. The Suburban Mom shows you how to make them yourself here.

2. Boozy Easter Eggs

This one is for grown ups only, who needs chocolate when you have tiny bottles of your favourite alcohol hidden in plastic Easter eggs!

3. Bake some Easter Cookies

Still a sweet treat but this one is chocolate free, why not bake some easy easter cookies, Glorious Treats shows you how here.

4. Healthy but Sweet Orange Treats

If refined sugar is just not your thing what about these cute orange treats, packaged to look like carrots; if you’re feeling a little less healthy you could always fill them with orange starburst or skittles, even orange M&Ms if you feel the need to that chocolate fix!

5. Easter Bunny Surprise Ball

Pretty much a pass the parcel for one, this bundle of fun can be filled with what ever treats you like, it can be made kid friendly or adult friendly, it is entirely up to you. If you want to know how to make these check out Craftaholics Anonymous here.

6. Egg Tea Lights

A fab idea from Smaggle that you probably shouldn’t eat but still looks totally awesome, egg-shell tea lights, just break a few eggs – make a few omelets – wash our the shells and place in the tea lights, and done. Super cute and really different. You could always dye and/or decorate the shells too! Just make sure you clean them properly, you don’t want to be cooking an omlete while you’re burning your candles!

7. Creme Egg Martini Cocktail Kit

Yes, Cadbury Creme Egg Martini, you read that right. Another adult only Easter present.

This might be a diabetes inducing, sweet cocktail but if you’re into that, or you know someone who is, why not gift them everything they need to make it, or whip up a batch yourself and enjoy:

Cadbury Creme Egg Martini:
Serves:  2
Prep Time:  10 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes (only 15 minutes active time)

2 cups of 2% or whole milk
4 Cadbury Creme Eggs
4 oz chocolate vodka (I used Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped)
Chocolate syrup to line glasses
2 Mini Cadbury Creme Eggs for garnish

In a saucepan, heat milk over medium heat (you do not want milk to boil).  Add Cadbury Creme Eggs one at a time.  Move eggs around with whisk until they melt completely, whisking well.   When all 4 eggs have been melted, pour milk into a container and refrigerate for an hour to cool, whisking occasionally to  prevent separation.
To make two martinis, line martini glasses with chocolate syrup. Pour 8 ounces of milk mixture and 4 ounces of chocolate vodka into a cocktail shaker with ice and shake for 10 seconds. Strain into cocktail glass and garnish with mini Cadbury Creme Eggs.
Barbells and Bellinis is responsible for this one.

8. Rice Krispy Treat Easter Eggs

This one is simple, and in my opinion, better than chocolate. Take your favourite rice krispy treat recipe, make it and instead of laying it in a tray to make squares, mould it into egg shapes and allow to cool and set in the fridge as normal. Delicious, sweet and simple!

9. Chocolate Dippy Eggs

Forget your soft-boiled, egg filled eggs with soldiers! Chocolate dippy eggs are the way to go! They are pretty self explanatory to make but if you need it the DIY Enthusiasts have all you need right here!

10. Homemade Chocolate Eggs

Last but not least, the obvious. If Easter eggs are so extortionatly expensive, why not just make your own? Follow these instructions for how to.

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