10 of the Best Things About Dining In Dubai

We all know that Dubai has the best of everything, from fine dining to rough and ready street side eats, but it’s not just the food that makes us all love going out for a meal it’s all the little things that are just so Dubai that make it the most wonderful of experiences.

1. The bag chair


Most women will have experienced this, when you sit down and a chair is pulled out or brought over just for your handbag and sometimes a second one for your shopping!

2. You want to have dinner at 11pm, no problem!


Pretty much everywhere stays open late so it doesn’t matter if you get stuck in that pointless meeting with your boss for four hours at the end of the day, you can still get a bite – and if all else fails Lebanese Bakery is 24 hours.

3. Everything is deliverable


Literally everything. Do not ever assume that there is some kind of food you wont be able to get delivered to your door while you lay in your pajamas and become one with your duvet – we all have those days, do not pretend you’re above this behaviour. Websites like 24H, foodonclick and roundmenu will bring you things that restaurants wont normally and if you’re feeling fancy Room Service will pick up your order from a “real”restaurant and bring it to your door cushioned in polystyrene and ready for in front of TV consumption.

4. All you can eat and drink deals


Whether or not you believe that these deals are value for money you cannot deny the call of the abundant buffet and free-flowing grape. From the cheap to the extortionate, there is always somewhere offering you the chance to self induce a food coma and a hangover for a small price.

5. Around the world in 80 plates


Craving Nepalese Momos? You can get them. Craving Ethiopian curry? You can get it. Craving deconstructed, gel and foamified sushi? You can probably get that somewhere too! With over 200 nationalities in this tiny city it’s no surprise that there are restaurants offering every cuisine imaginable. All you have to do is look for it.

6. Can’t cook, won’t cook


It’s not always about going out in Dubai though, sometimes it’s nice to have a home cooked meal…by a professional chef…which you have hired to come and cook in your kitchen. Yes this is a thing and it happens.

7. Location, location, location


Where else in the world can you dine at the top of the tallest building over looking the glittering city below, or cosy up on cushions in the middle of the rolling sand dunes to watch a belly dancer while enjoying a BBQ, or enjoy a hot chocolate at the top of a ski slope while it’s 40+ degrees outside. Dubai. This city takes eating from a necessity to a full-blown experience. From mind-blowing views to lavish interiors, the restaurants of Dubai have it sussed.

8. Vouchers, all the vouchers


To an outsider people who live in Dubai may seem to be living the good life, spending cash like it’s nothing and spending weekends partying like a rap star but in reality most of us only do these things because we’re getting it for free. Dubai lives on vouchers and coupons, from The Entertainer to Groupon nearly every expat has done it at least once; they have made their weekend plans based on whether they are getting one of something for free or not.

9. What ever your budget, there’s always something


From the high flyers to the regular Joe, there is something for everyone in Dubai, from shawarmas that cost you 5Dhs to a steak that carries a 500Dhs price tag, it’s all here and it’s all ready to be eaten!

10. If it exists, there will be food.


Here in Dubai we love food, everyone knows it, we are not ashamed of it and so we will find any excuse to serve people food. From festivals to markets, to public holidays you will always find someone selling something ingestible! Even during Ramadan, a month that – for Muslims – means fasting all day there are still some of the most amazing Iftar buffets on offer in the restaurants and hotels around the city. Even your child’s school fairs with often be serving up a pretty decent meal somewhere on campus!

So you can see now why it’s pretty obvious that Dubai loves to dine out, and we like it to be the best.


  1. Very interesting! I have never been to Dubai, but it has always fascinated me. I’ve never had someone bring a chair for my handbag, LOL>


    • The price of some of the handbags here I’m not surprised they bring them but honestly, for my crappy high street bargain I don’t think it’s needed! 😂


  2. I love this post and you got me on the bag chair thing😂Dubai is fascinating and I get excited everytime I visit..Oohh..and watching those sunsets while sipping a mint tea in a tent😌


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